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Trade Supplier
Essentials Hair & Beauty Ltd are a trade supplier to the Professional Hair & Beauty Industry
(All prices are subject to VAT)


Essentials Hair & Beauty Ltd value, and are committed to protecting, your privacy. The information you provide will only be used for the purpose of providing your shopping experience and processing and fulfilling your order.

For the purpose of processing and fulfilling an order, Essentials Hair & Beauty Ltd need to know your name, e-mail address, invoice address, delivery address (if different from the invoice address), credit card number and security number, expiry date and address at which the credit card is registered if different from the invoice address.

Essentials Hair & Beauty Ltd do not sell, rent or trade any information to third party companies, or divulge details of account holders or any personal details to other companies, institutions or individuals other than for legal purposes or where legally required to do so.

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